
Guide To Buy Jewelry Online

Finger Armor Ring Is an Amazing Decorative Descendant of Gothic Style Full Finger Rings

I really think that if you like the idea of creating a real interest when wearing a piece of jewelry then you need look no further than some of the fantastic selections of armor ring that are available. They really do have to be seen to be fully appreciated, not just from a choice point of view but to really understand what they are and how awesome they actually look.

When you think of a ring as a piece of Juicy Couture Jewelry you immediately conjure up pictures in your minds eye of something round and possibly having a stone of some description. You would not be wrong in that assumption ordinarily but, this no ordinary finger decoration and this has to be the beauty of them. They really are radically different and do not conform to what you would expect, visually they are simply stunning.

I can pretty much guarantee no end of questions when you wear one. The most frequently asked will be where you got it from, no doubt whatsoever. They tend to made of pewter or sterling silver and the most significant thing is the fact that they cover your whole finger from the base to either just below your nail or second joint which is one of the reasons I think that they create such a buzz.

Also known as full finger rings, juicy jewelry, knight rings or medieval rings to name but a few, which may give you a bit of a clue as to their style too. Up until recently they seem to have been favoured by people who embrace the Gothic or Goth style of dress.

The really clever thing is that they are lightweight and jointed in exactly the same places as your own fingers so that they can flex and extend with your own hand movement easily. They really are very comfortable to wear and durable but also delicate or very robust depending on the type you prefer and this really makes them the ideal unisex ring.

Because of this I think that the fashion world has overlooked them as they kind of blend in with the rest of that type of outfit and the juicy couture charms that goes with it. But, this well kept secret is now out and anybody who loves to be a little different and make an impact is going to be blown away.

If you take a look at an armor ring I think that you will be stunned by the vast array of styles and designs that are all there at a few clicks of a mouse. Because they are really inexpensive to buy, I would not mind betting that you would want more than one either as I think they make a brilliant collection idea.

Par fang123 le mardi 30 novembre 2010


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